Unified Application Development Solutions
  -A User Guide for the UML and the RUP Methodology-
ISBN: 963 9056 29 6
Author: Maria Raffai Ph.D.
Publisher: Publisher Novadat 
Language: Hungarian
Pages: 473
Published in 2001 november
Cover-Design: Gekko Design Studio, András Perjés 
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The application of the object-oriented paradigm in the analysis and design phases of the development life cycle it an urgent requirements already from a decade. During this period there have appeared hundreds of methodologies, but only some of them could be used in the applications. The continuously changing business and other environmental circumstances,  the agressive development of the info-comunication technologies and the growing user's requirements forced the developers to think about unified solutions in methodologies and in modeling languages as well..

As the UML Unified Modeling Language helps to solve the different and actual business solutions effectively, the author's aim is to give an overview about the standard UML Language and the RUP unified development methodology. The 2nd Volume of the series "Object Technology" helps the Readers to understand the essence and the philosophy of the Language and it is a user guide as well. The main directories:

  1. The need for unifying paradigms, methods and tools
  2. UML: the Unified Modeling Language (overview about history and the development and the standardization process)
  3. Creation of the Object Model: modeling objects, classes; the way of classification, specification; the relation types
  4. Understanding and modeling the domain model
  5. The principles and solutions for designing the conceptual model
  6. Designing the deployment model
  7. RUP: the Unified Development Process
UML Reference Card
This card gives a summerized overview about the UML in order to make  the daily work easier for the analysers and the developers.

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  • ALEXANDER Alapítvány 9026 Gyõr, Hédervári út 49/a
  • NOVADAT BT. 9028 Gyõr, Ûrhajós u. 89.

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