The Half-Century History of Computing |
About 50 Years ago John von Neumann has discovered the importance of the concept of computer logic, and in the "First Draft" he has defined the basic operating principles of the computers. Some years after the revolutionary results of the United States in the hardware/software development the other countries in the world have been starting with a dynamic improvement as well. The Author shows this very exciting and interesting process to let know the Readers the most important components and attributes of the computing.
This book is known as a "Bible of the Computing", which addresses the most important points, milestones and generations. By this new approach the author classifies the attributes of the hardver-software evolution, the relation of the components, the most important engineering methodologies, and besides she discusses disciplines, philosophies, and analysis the hole story and process of this revolution.
This book is a serious, summurising work, which contains didactic built, lexical knowledge about all of the component of computing and computer science, so it can be a useful reading for the university students who are ready to learn and integrate this knowledge and those people, who are only interested in computers.
Readership: Undergraduates MBA, Ph.D. Students on Computer Science Courses and all the Readers, who are interested in Computing.