The IFIP International Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems an International Forum for Exploring the Research Frontier in EIS

Hungary/Gyõr, Famulus Hotel, Conference Centre

28-30. of October, 2009.


Gyor photoGalery:

relics, sights, at night, bird's eye





Paper Submission


· Submission Guidelines

· Registration

· Paper Submission

· Conference Proceedings

· Paper Awards




· General Program

· Keynote Speeches

· Session Program

· Social Programs


Site & Accomodation


· Hosting City

· Hotels

· Transport

· Interactive map

· Traveling Guides

· Tours


Host Institutes



· TC8 WG 8.9




Publications, Conferences


· EIS Journal

· SEFBIS Journal

· IFIP Digital Library

· CONFENIS Homepage

· CONFENIS 2006, 2007

· ISBIS 2005, 2007



The City Gyor

The host city Gyor is a mellowed and colorful town being situated on the half way between Vienna and Budapest, at the north-west corner of the country. The city is the capital of Kisalfold, the most fruitful part of Hungary. It has wonderful landscape with the three rivers joining at the foot of the historic wall in the heart of the city; it is full of architectural, cultural and natural treasures creating a cooperative geographical triangle with the capital of Austria (Vienna) and the capital of Slovakia (Bratislava). Gyor with its more than 200 thousands inhabitants is the second richest city in historic buildings outside Budapest, and it has won Europe-Award for the protection of the historic assets in acknowledgment of the reconstruction of the Baroque city centre. The churches, palaces, museums, the characteristic corner-balconies and the narrow lanes remind the visitors of the historic past, also inviting them to take a nice walk in the downtown. Besides Gyor is a city of

  •  festivals where friends of the arts and those who are eager for a high-quality relaxation can find attractive programs all the year round;

  •  science and education: the Regional Research Centre of the Academy of Sciences, the organized scientific and professional programs draw lots of people from all over the world; at the Szechenyi University there are studying more than 6.000 students on three different faculties;

  •  business: Gyor is the most developed city in Hungary (after the capital Budapest) from economic, industrial and commercial point of view; the Hungarian and foreigner owned enterprises provide workspaces enough to the inhabitants and offer splendid opportunity for the representatives of business life to meet in the city

For more information see the city website


Conference Venue

The CONFENIS 2009 Conference will be taken place at the Famulus Hotel**** and Conference Centre Complex, that is located at the Eastern part of the city Gyor, opposite to the newly built Arkad shopping center, and only 5-10 minutes walk from the historical downtown. See the Conference Venue website. At the Hotel Famulus there are rooms available on different service levels and prices (the OC has made already a prebooking for the conference participants), but the city Gyor offers numerous other hotels located in the downtown and also in other districts of Gyor. We propose to visit the website of Hotels in Gyor.



The nearest International Airport is Vienna Schwechat Airport, (Austria) only 110 kms from Gyor (55 minutes drive). If you need a direct bus from the airport to Gyor, please visit the website of AeroBus Ltd. where you can book your transfer. But there is also a direct train from the Airport to the central railway station of Vienna, from where the participants can come to Gyor centre by train in 40-60 minutes.

The distance of the other closest International Airport Budapest (Ferihegy Airport) is 164 km, it takes about 2 hours by car, but it is a little more complicated to use the public transportations. It is better to take a taxi from the Airport to the railway station named "Keleti" or bus station named "Nepliget" in order to get to Gyor. The participants can get Gyor by train or bus in 105-120 minutes.